Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Completed Foundation

Picture 010, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Well, here it - 67 yards of concrete. Thats about 7 cement trucks worth. Framing should start in about a week.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


img_9270, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Here the forms are being locked into place for the basement pour. There are vertical rebar members throughout which are "tied in" to rebar on the bottom and top.

This would be my opportunity to seal any enemies I may have into the walls of my basement.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dude forming up the footings.

Dude forming up the footings., originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Here the forms (which happen to also be the Form-A-Drain "drain tiles") are being set for the concrete footings.

Note the soil - it's all sandy gravel, which is the best soil you can hope for. Water dissipates quickly, hopefully eliminating basement water issues and freeze/thaw expansion and contraction. Cool information on soils can be found here.

Monday, September 11, 2006


IMG_1071, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Yes, indeed, we now have a hole. This guy is getting things in shape to pour the footings, assuming they can do so in the rain.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Jake Breaking Ground

Jake Breaking Ground, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

We expect the excavators on Tuesday, so we thought we'd have Jake do the official groundbreaking at our lot.