Monday, December 07, 2009

Plan, etc.

Ok, the plans are just about ready for submission to the Village of Merton for permits. Yes, I'm doing it the right way.

What's a bit concerning is the incredibly bad reviews that the local building inspector and electrical inspector get from other homeowners. It seems that rules are applied inconsistently, and they tend to be unhelpful. So, to alleviate this, I'm going to be creating a "Finishing Your Basement in Merton" section. Others can contribute when they've had run-ins, so hopefully we'll have a pretty good list of "how-tos" when this is complete.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


_MG_7698, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

The house turned out fine.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Same design...different angle.

Second Try, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Proposed Design

Up, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Here it is so far. Note the hallway to the right.

Monday, June 15, 2009