Wednesday, February 28, 2007


_MG_2311, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Life Florida, only smaller. And maple.

I was going to do this myself...

_MG_2304, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

...until the much older and wiser John G. convinced me not to.

I owe him.

Satisfying John G's need for updates.

_MG_2306, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Cabinets in place.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

C'est la cuisine

_MG_2298, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Sind hier die Wände.

_MG_2284, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Yo Quero Drywall.

_MG_2283, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

Here it is. I think this is after the second coat. I don't know. These guys work 16 hour days, it seems.

Stone Exterior.

_MG_2214, originally uploaded by k_pfeif.

It's cold out here.